Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Envision Brewster:
A Community Dialogue
About Our Schools

We welcome your comments, suggestions, reactions, reflections, and other contributions to Envision Brewster.
We would like to hear from you if you were not able to attend the workshop in October but have something important you would like to contribute.
And we would most like to hear from those of you who would like to keep the conversation going and/or start working on those next steps!

Brewster Envisions

Envision Brewster:

A Community Dialogue

About Our Schools

 On Friday, October 14, over 60 individuals representing many different stakeholder groups in Brewster gathered in the Stony Brook Elementary School Cafeteria to share a meal and participate in a community dialogue about our schools, while many of their children learned how to break dance in a Kids Night Out next door in the gymnasium. The dialogue, facilitated by Nauset graduate and professional facilitator Sky Freyss-Cole, was run as a World CafĂ©, which is designed with the goal of encouraging learning from everyone.

Participants moved from table to table, interacting with different people every time, discussing the following questions and jotting down their answers on post-it notes:

·       What are the greatest things about the Brewster Schools?

·       In your eyes, what is the ideal future of these schools in 10 years from now?  What is it like for the students? The teachers? The parents? The community? Who is doing what?

·       Looking at where we are now, what challenges and opportunities exist in regard to this future vision?

During the break, Sky posted all the post-it notes on a template according to themes. After discussing emerging themes, participants went back to tables and discussed the final two questions:

·       What are the 3 most important doable action steps?

·       And what are you willing to do?

Participants were inspired by the opportunity to share their insights,  concerns, and dreams and create a community vision for elementary education in Brewster. You can read the strengths, challenges, opportunities, visions, and next steps - click the links on the right.

The Brewster School Committee and Brewster PTO thank all who were involved in planning, supporting, and participating in this event. As the Brewster schools plan for their students’ future educational needs, it is important that that vision represents and includes all voices from the community.

Special thanks to local restaurants for donating food for Envision Brewster and the Kids’ Night Out:

Lost Dog Pub
Starvin’ Marlin
El Guapo’s
Local Flavor

You're Invited...

Envision Brewster:

A Community Dialogue

About Our Schools

Friday, October 14, 5:00-8:00

Sponsored by the Brewster School Committee & the Brewster PTO

What:      An interactive forum to create a community vision for elementary education in Brewster

Where:   Stony Brook Elementary School Cafeteria, 384 Underpass Rd

When:     Friday, October 14, 2011
                   5:00 – 5:30 Appetizers and Mingling
                   5:30 – 8:00 Facilitated Dialogue
5:00 – 8:00 Kids’ Night Out sponsored by Brewster Recreation & the Brewster PTO

Who:        Anyone who lives or works in Brewster and has an interest in the future of the Brewster Elementary Schools – All ages welcome!